Golden House Publications  
Books - Museum catalogues
Egyptology - Archaeology


The Management of Egypt's Cultural Heritage: Volume 2, no. 2:
Egyptian Cultural Heritage Organisation Discourses on Heritage Management Series

Fekri A. Hassan, Geoffrey John Tassie, Aloisia de Trafford, Lawrence Stewart Owens , Joris van Wetering (editors)

255 pages, paperback

ISBN 978-1906137403

£30 - $ 60

Steven R. W. Gregory

Herihor in art and iconography: kingship and the gods in the ritual landscape of the late New Kingdom Thebes

paperback, A4, 201 pages, many b/w images

ISBN-13: 978-1906137380

£ 45 - $90

Geoffrey John Tassie

Prehistoric Egypt; Socioeconomic Transformations in North-east Africa from the Last Glacial Maximum to the Neolithic, 24.000 to 4.000 BC

Prehistoric Egypt,  Socioeconomic Transformations in North-east Africa from the Last Glacial Maximum to the Neolithic, 24.000 to 4.000 BC takes a supra-regional approach to the environmental and socioeconomic landscapes of SW Asia and NE Africa across this crucial period. Using a rich array of empirical data combined with a holistic theoretical approach, this book challenges many of the current ideas on the beginnings of food production in North-east Africa, and the secondary effects this transition had on human settlements and cultures.
This book is essential reading for anybody interested in the origins of the ancient Egyptian civilisation.

541 + xiv pages, 8 colour plates

ISBN 978-1906137304

£75 -- $150

Eileen Goulding

What did the Poor Take with Them? An investigation into Ancient Egyptian Eighteenth and Nineteenth Dynasty grave assemblages of the non-elite from Qau, Badari, Matmar and Gurob

A4, 136 pages, paperback; ISBN 978-1906137328

This study investigates the grave assemblages of the non-elite during the New Kingdom, using several different burial sites. Based on the author's database of over 3,000 artefacts, the statistical results will indicate if there was any noticeable shift in funerary practices from the early Eighteenth Dynasty to the end of the Nineteenth Dynasty, from an emphasis on replicating an earthly life after death by including practical, daily-life articles , to a more religious attitude, which necessitated the inclusion of a greater number of religious artefacts. Interpretation of the results may give some insight into the sociological and religious framework of the time, and if and why it changed.

£25 -$ 50

Geoffrey J. Tassie and Lawrence Stuart Owens

Standards of Archaeological Excavation; a Fieldguide

With more than 250 checklists, diagrams, photographs and tables, this field guide takes the archaeologist in Egypt from site evaluation
through to grid systems, methods of excavation for different context types, archiving, report writing and post-excavation assessment.
600p + CD-ROM

ISBN 978-1-906137-17-5

UK £39.99 - US $80

Angelika Lohwasser

The Kushite Cemetery of Sanam: A Non-royal Burial Ground of the Nubian Capital, c. 800-600 bc

The cemetery of Sanam in Nubia was excavated in 1912 by Francis L. Griffith. The results were never fully published but the excavation records are preserved in Oxford, UK. This study evaluates these records, yielding a detailed view on the Nubian society and its burial customs at the beginning of a new African empire

160 pages, 8 colour plates

ISBN 9781906137168

UK £19.99 - US $39.99

Managing Egypt 's Cultural Heritage

Editors: Fekri A. Hassan, G. J. Tassie, Aloisia De Trafford, Lawrence Owens and Joris van Wetering

Contributors: Carolina Cardell-Fernández, Sabrina Carli, Aloisia De Trafford, Okasha El-Daly, Nora Ebeid, Niall P. Finneran, Tomomi Fushiya, Darren Glazier, Hany Hanna, Fekri A. Hassan, Nigel J. Hetherington, Salima Ikram, Alejandro Jiménez-Serrano, Alistair Jones, Janet Johnstone, Saleh Lamei, Javier Ordóñez-García, Lawrence Stuart Owens, Clifford Price, Stephen Quirke, Amanda Sutherland, Michael Seymour, Geoffrey John Tassie, and Teri L. Tucker .

ISBN 978-1906137144

A4, 311 pages; £35

Rosalind M. and Jac. J. Janssen

Growing up and Getting old in Ancient Egypt

Thirty represented old age in Ancient Egypt, yet in this book Egyptologists Rosalind and Jac. Janssen consider a wealth of life course transitions from birth to death. Prominent among these are going to school, puberty rituals, marriage, divorce, retirement, and even drawing a pension. The authors’ familiarity with both ancient hieratic texts and gerontological theory makes Growing up and Getting old in Ancient Egypt a unique volume with wide appeal in our present era of demographic change.

ISBN 978-0955025693

xvii + 305 pages, many b/w photographic pictures

£25 - $ 50


P. E. Newberry


Proceedings of the Society of Biblical
Archaeology (PSBA) 1899-1914

Golden House Publications, Paperback, 154 pages 14.8 x 21 cm
UK price: 15 £


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